August 30, 2013

How to Hack Sims 3 [EASY]

You can do this cheat codes by pressing ( Ctrl ) + ( Shift ) + C , while playing the game. It'll then appear a window. Then all you have to do is type in one of the codes that i will be giving you and just press ( Enter ), and it will activate the cheat.

P.S In windows Vista you would have to press ( Ctrl ) + ( Windows ) + ( Shift ) + C to display the window.


Display Most Cheats                                                        help
Enable testing cheats                                                        testingCheatsenbled ( true or false )
1,000 Simoleons                                                              kaching
50,000 Simoleons                                                            Motherlode
Ignore Cost when buying a lot                                          freerealestate
in Town Edit Mode
View Career Outfits and service uniforms                           unlockoutfits( on or off )
Returns Sims to home safely and a neutral                          resetSim (first name)(last name)
Reset lifetime happiness of sims in Active household            resetlifetimehappiness
Delete object                                                                    Delete Object
Force terrain adjustment                                                    constrainfloorelevation(true or false)
Objects fade when camera gets near                                   fadeobjects( on or off )
Full screen                                                                       fullscreen(on or off)
Quit                                                                                quit
Print random joke to console                                              jokeplease
Slow motion ; normal (0); highest (8)                                 slowMotionViz(0-8)
Show thought ballons above sims head                               hideHeadlineeffects(on or off)

That's all! Cheers! Place a mark below this blog!!! Thanks a lot !!!!! BROFIST

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