May 18, 2013

Iron Man 3 Hack ( For Jailbroken Devices )

Iron Man 3 after Hack
This is the Hack for Iron Man 3 : The Game on iOS, did you search everywhere and found nothing? Or did you go everywhere to only find it filled with surveys? or even Passwords? Don't worry cause here is the file: 

Before doing you have to download iFun-Box

You'll also need iFile in your device, it is available in Cydia

How to hack it :

  1. First download the file.
  2. Then Plug in your device
  3. Open i-Funbox
  4. Open Applications, Search for Iron man 3
  5. Open it, then open Iron Man
  6. Open The iron man 3 file and replace it with the file
  7. Plug off your device
  8. In your device open iFile
  9. Go to applications, search for Iron Man 3
  10. In the Iron Man 3 file , edit the file into        User : Read, Write, Execute        Group : Read, Write , Execute          World : Read, Write, Execute.
  11. Then open the game. 
  12. Use some of your iso-8 to speed up the upgrades, and it will aoutomatically add up.
  13. It works for the iso-8 and stark Credits
  14. Enjoy!

Please Comment!!!!


  1. Thanks Dude!!!!! It totally works...... No i can have endless runs!!!!

    1. need to be jailbreak the ios? for this cheat to work?

    2. yes, i'm sorry if i dissapointed you.

  2. The file has been removed,can you sent the file to my email?and does it works for version 1.3.1?
